Early Photos

1925 Baldwin Photo April, 1925
Baldwin took this builders photo before delivery in April of 1925. Many fixtures were added or changed over time. Like moving the backup light to the tender. Items added include a more…
1933 Air Horns July 2, 1933
This shot taken on July 2, 1933 shows air horns on top of the cab. These were gone by the next views from the 1940’s. . This is one of the last views to have these features. more…
1933 Oil Shipment May, 1933
Oil made up a large part of what was shipped on the Santa Maria Valley. In this May 1933 view #21 is making up a train. The tank car #21 is pushing was very typical. more…
1942 Camouflage July 15, 1942
#21 has just been backed out of the engine house in this July 15, 1942 picture. A worker is attending to the valve gear. The front of the smoke box and many other items have more…
1945 Cow Catcher May 6, 1945
Robert M Hanft caught #21 near the engine house on May 6, 1945. The cow catcher has gotten narrower and the lead wheels now have two holes. The pin striping has been freshened more…
1949 Changes October 1, 1949
D.S. Richter took this photo around October 1st 1949. The front pilot hand railing has been shortened. All of the pin stripping is now gone. DeGolyer Library Collection more…
1949 Workhorse Oct 1, 1949
This photo of #21 with a passenger train came from the Martin E. Hansen more…
1950’s With Caboose 1950’s
In this view of #21 taken some time in the 1950’s you get to see the fireman’s side. The small fire cracker shaped extrusion sticking up from the cab is the radio more…
1950’s With SMV#100 1950’s
We love looking at these old photos. Don’t more…
1954 Guadalupe March 14, 1954
This photo of #21 with a passenger train at Guadalupe is from the Martin E. Hansen more…
1955 Dog House July 1955
On the back of the tender in this July 1955 view you can see the ‘Dog House’ for the front end brakeman. In the next view taken in 1956 you can see it was removed. A more…
1956 color photo
This color photo was taken by Roger W. Sackett in August of more…
1957, August 13
#21 was waiting sitting by itself out on the main line on August 13, 1957. H.F. Stewart from the DeGolyer Library collection more…
1960’s With Fans 1960’s
In the 1960’s #21 was fired up by the Captain on the weekends. Here you can see many fans watching the show. California State Railroad Museum negative more…

Astoria Railroad Preservation Association
P.O. Box 541
446 W. Marine Dr.
Astoria, Oregon 97103
(503) 325-5323
e-mail: [email protected]
An Educational Non-Profit Corporation
Dedicated to Promoting Public Awareness of Railroad History
Through the Preservation and Operation of Vintage Railway Equipment.